1. Fifth Element - Bought it, love it and now have seen it, well more times than I can count. Always have loved it, always will love it. Okay I haven't named my cat Corbin Dallas but still it is a classic in terms of look, story, and fun. Watch it if you haven't and watch it again if you have.!!!!!
2. Louis Malle - Phantom India and Calcutta. These are beautiful movies, just gorgeous. They were created in 1968-1970. A fascinating moment in time in the world and these films show India in interesting times as well. He is critical most of the time, not in a mean-spirited way, he just seems to find India absurd in its contradictions. He may be right. I've never been to India. I've lived in W. Africa for three years and much in the films seemed very similar to me. Where I lived there were no massive temples as the Hindu faith has but otherwise Africa was filled with extreme contradictions as well, so the film didn't shock me. The politics though, yikes, those were strange. Right-Wing v. Left-Wing communists. A placard at a rally: "They call it Gandhism, We call Fascism". These movies have some very powerful moments indeed.
3. Pitch Black (The Chronicles of Riddick: Pitch Black) - The only Vin Diesel films I like are the Riddick films and this is the better of the two. It is just a good fun, creepy little adventure flick. Definitely worth the price to track down and rent/own.
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